Hackerbun: The Automatic Proofreader
Topaz breaks down The New Automatic Proofreader, a tool used to verify C64 BASIC code was copied correctly out of Compute!’s Gazette magazines.
Thanks to Tyrel (@tyrelsouza), Jim K. (@ijimkoz), J3!
- The New Automatic Proofreader in Compute!’s Gazette Issue 32 (https://archive.org/details/1986-02-computegazette/page/n109/mode/2up)
- The decompiled machine language code with comments (https://code.hackerbun.dev/TheIndustriousRabbit/the-automatic-proofreader-decompiled)
- The CRUNCH routine, which gets called after The Automatic Proofreadaer does its work (https://techwithdave.davevw.com/2020/08/commodore-64-basic-crunch-routine.html)
- TXTTAB, the memory address that holds the start of new BASIC code (https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/43-44)
- da65 (https://www.cc65.org/doc/da65.html)
- The da65 6502 disassembler
- radare2 (https://rada.re/n/radare2.html)
- The radare2 disassembler
- Explosion by FlashTrauma
- Presenterator by Kevin MacLeod
- 2023-07-21: Move to MakerTube.