Notes from the Amiga - September 24, 2022

September 24, 2022
My Amiga 1200 setup

I’m writing this from my newly set up Amiga 1200. I finally have a dedicated place in my office for this machine, and now I’m taking this keyboard for a real spin.

I bought this Amiga refurbished from RetroPassion and everything about it has been great, except for the keyboard. It’s hard for some keys to actually register keypresses. I even replaced the keyboard membrane with a new hard PCB one, and keys like b sometimes take a bunch of bops to bounce into the bomputer. I might also be too spoiled by modern keyboards. Who knows.

So I’m going to give writing a little status update on the Amiga regularly a try to see if:

  • I can write something on a regular basis for The Industrious Rabbit, even while in video production mode.
  • I can work out the kinks in this keyboard.

In other personal Amiga news, I was part of the Bromo Art Walk at M.A.P. Technologies on Thursday, and ended up creating a new piece for the 2022 Amiga Art Contest in True Brilliance live at the show. It’s a pretty nice piece of software to paint in, and a good number of people were amazed that it was 30 years old and still that capable.