Bun Runner Devlog -- 2024-12-14

December 14, 2024

All three collision types are now working! (well, mostly working):

Game footage of rabbit tripping, hitting a wall, and hitting their head on a wall

I need to do something about that last one, when you are going to go over an edge. I may just have to extend the physics engine a bit more to make that look good. Thankfully, I have a new tool in my retro development toolkit to make that a lot easier to implement.

I have unit tests with CuTest working with assembler code, so I can write tests for some of the more complicated data transformations (like collision physics) rather than using slow and error-prone hand testing:

Console window showing assembler and C unit test code, as well as test runner results in an emulated Amiga

As I describe on my wiki page about the subject, you have to set the stack up to around 30000 bytes on the Amiga for the test to run. You also have to include the math library. Get those in place, and you can easily run tests against any symbols exported from your assembler code.

Next is fixing that head konk collision ground slide, then implementing a palette manager which can set Copperlist palettes as well as perform transitions between two palette sets, to allow for color fades in and out and other effects.