23 year old code

September 8, 2021

Topaz figures out how to get code he wrote 23 years ago on the Amiga to work for someone today, and it involves a lot of work with libraries.

Thanks to Piotr Kuchno for contacting me and working through debugging the code, and for the videos of the code in use on real Amiga computers! Thanks also to @ijimkoz for valuable feedback!



AMOS Extensions

Amiga libraries

Why was my server code not working?

Music & SFX


  • Piotr and I were actually using AMOS Professional throughout, despite me showing an original AMOS The Creator box I used to own. AMOS Pro allowed accessing system libraries, while AMOS the Creator did not.


  • 2021-09-08: Initial post.

Games Distributed by Magazine: Star Dragon

August 13, 2021

I type in Star Dragon, a tech demo with messed up controls, out of a June 1986 Compute!’s Gazette.



  • The flicker is significantly less pronounced because I’m recording at 30fps. My computer can’t stream at 60fps, which is what is required to get the full Star Dragon experience. I’ll record a separate 60fps video for that later.
  • The left/right controls are minus/plus. I wonder if there’s a way to fix that…


  • 2021-08-13: Initial post.
  • 2033-07-21: Move to MakerTube and remove streaming text.

Games Distributed by Magazine: MLX

August 6, 2021

I type in the MLX II machine language editor from Compute!’s Gazette June 1986. I also accidentally turn all the text on the screen black, because I have no clue how the control codes and special keys work on a C64.



  • Hitting [Commodore]-7 would have put the color back to the starting color


  • 2021-08-06: Initial post.
  • 2023-07-17: Move video to MakerTube and remove streaming/YouTube playlist note.

Spaces in Metroid passwords

August 4, 2021

Topaz digs into an addition to a 6-bit character password system. A follow-on to the NES Passwords video.

Thanks to @ijimkoz and others for their feedback in production!





  • 2023-07-15: Moved to MakerTube

Games Distributed by Magazine: The Automatic Proofreader

July 31, 2021

I type in The Automatic Proofreader from a real copy of Compute!’s Gazette and learn a lesson about how the Commodore 64 saved files to disk. Sorry about the garbage audio. This is a throwaway episode!



  • 2021-07-31: Initial post.
  • 2023-07-17: Move to MakerTube and remove streaming and YouTube playlist note.